It’s amazing the difference a special mobility trike can provide to a child with mobility issues. Not only does the trike provide essential daily physiotherapy but it also promotes physical and mental development, independence, and self-esteem in children with mobility issues by helping them master gross motor and functional mobility skills and addressing muscle imbalances. Meet …
A New Year and a new challenge for us here at Variety Ireland as we continue to ensure children with mobility issues have equal access to cycling. Say hi to Jake from Co Cork. Up until recently, Jake was denied the joys of cycling which most of us take for granted. However, this has now …
Inclusion and equal access to cycling for children with disabilities are just some important parts of our Recycle Mobility Programme. Thanks to the support of Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister James Lawless and Minister Eamon Ryan from The Department of Transport who support our …
Special mobility trikes support equal access to cycling and family inclusion for children with disabilities. Our Recycle Mobility Programme provides help to families with children with disabilities in Ireland so their children can be included in cycling activities with their family and friends. Thanks to the support of Minister Anne Rabbitte Department of Children, Equality, …
“Isaac used to look at the front window and see other children on the road riding their bikes and wonder why he would not be included in cycling activities with his friends” Isaac’s Mum. This is just one of the many sad stories we hear at Variety Ireland from parents whose children have mobility issues. …
We at Variety Ireland recognise the importance that all children, regardless of their ability, should be able to experience the joys of cycling with their family and friends, just like Emily from Co Louth. Thanks to our Recycle Mobility Programme, supported by Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, …
Here at Variety Ireland, we love to see happy smiley faces on children we help. As a charity that addresses the needs of children and teenagers from across the disability spectrum, our Recycle Mobility Programme does just that. Thanks to the support of Minister Anne Rabbitte and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, …
At Variety Ireland, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to be included in cycling activities with their family and friends. Our Recycle Mobility Programme which is supported by Minister Ann Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister James Lawless and The Department of Transport ensures children with disabilities …
Trikes support inclusion for children with disabilities. Since 2021, Variety Ireland with the support of Minister Anne Rabbitte Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Minister Eamon Ryan and The Department of Transport, have helped hundreds of young children get their very own special mobility trike. To add to this, lots of special …
There was great excitement last week when Minister of State for Transport, James Lawless turned up to a house in Co Kildare to deliver a Variety Ireland special mobility trike to a young lady called Róisín. Minister James Lawless and The Department of Transport along with Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, …