Triple Lock
As a member of the Charities Institute Ireland, we are proud to have been awarded Triple Lock status.
Triple Lock status is awarded to charities that uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures. This recognition is the gold standard for Irish charities to offer assurances to donors, members and the general public.
Annual Report & Financial Statements
Our accounts are prepared in accordance with the Charities SORP.
Financial Statements Year Ended 30/09/2021
VIEW REPORTAnnual Report & Accounts Year Ended 30/09/2021
VIEW REPORTFinancial Statements Year Ended 30/09/2022
VIEW REPORTAnnual Report & Accounts Year Ended 30/09/2022
VIEW REPORTFinancial Statements Year Ended 30/09/2023
Codes We Adhere To
Variety Ireland conducts its business in accordance to the regulations, rules and standards set by the Charities Regulator. We abide by and are fully compliant with the Charities Regulator Governance Code
Charities Governance Code
VIEW CODECharities Fundraising Guidelines
VIEW GUIDELINESVariety Ireland Policies
Our Charity Policies & Constitution
Variety Ireland strives to be an accountable, transparent charity that follows our charities procedural policies. Our charity acts under the ethos, guidelines and mission statement as outlined in the Variety Ireland Constitution.
Governance Policy
VIEW POLICYPrivacy Policy
VIEW POLICYComplaints Procedure
VIEW POLICYConflict of Interest & Loyalty
VIEW POLICYCommunications Policy
VIEW POLICYSafeguarding Children Policy
VIEW POLICYFundraising Policy
VIEW POLICYVariety Ireland Constitution

Derek O’Neill
Director & CEO

Sean Kavanagh
Director & Treasurer

Rachelle Gaskell

Sean Corrigan

Kristen Foran