Heart of Learning Programme
Promoting equal access to education
What it’s About
Our Heart of Learning Programme provides upcycled iPads to schools all across Ireland, who may need that little bit of extra help with their education.
We are passionate about helping children who require additional support with learning, so hope that by providing iPads, we can help in some small way to make learning more accessible to some.
Why Upcycled iPads?
As a society, we need to protect and help our most vulnerable and in doing so we also need to protect the environment. Variety Ireland recognise the need to try and do whatever we can to be more sustainable and by supplying upcycled iPads, we can do just that. By using these upcycled iPads instead of brand new ones, we can limit the amount of carbon produced through manufacturing and international shipping.
Number of Irish Counties who have received iPads to all their National Schools
Number of SNAs in National Schools who have received iPads through our campaign
Amount of Carbon saved by using upcycled iPads instead of brand new iPads*
*We continue to make progress by improving Variety Ireland’s contribution to climate change. Every iPad we supply has been upcycled, saving 69kg of carbon per unit supplied.
(Figures taken from Apple Product Environmental Report iPad September 10, 2019.
So far this campaign has saved over 34 tons of carbon – the equivalent weight of nearly 1000 eleven year olds!!)

Co. Roscommon
In County Roscommon, we were able to donate 95 upcycled iPads to SNAs – one to each National School in the county. This was all thanks to Roscommon businessman Sean Mulryan!

Co. Mayo
In County Mayo, we were able to donate 155 upcylcled iPads to SNAs – one to every National School in the county! This was all thanks to London born businessman Tim O’Leary, who is very proud of his Mayo roots and heritage!

Co. Galway
In County Galway we were able to donate 244 upcycled iPads to SNA’s – one for every National School and Special School in the county! This was all thanks to the Comer Group, who are all proud Galway natives!

We would like to thank you most sincerely for the wonderful unexpected surprise we received in the post yesterday. You can see the pure delight on the childrens’ faces in the photos! We will most certainly put it to good use. Please extend our gratitude to the Comer brothers also!

St. Nicholas’ Parochial School, Galway
I wish to thank you and Tim O’Leary most sincerely for your very generous donation of an upcycled iPad for our SNA. It is very much appreciated!

Scoil Mhuire Róibín, Mayo
We would like to thank your charity and Sean Mulryan for the iPad which we received. This will be a valuable asset in school for our children with special educational needs.
To show our appreciation and gratitude we have decided to have a “non uniform day” and proceeds will go to Variety!

Scoil Bhride N.S, Roscommon
We were delighted to receive the upcycled i-Pad on behalf of your sponsor, Sean Mulryan of Ballymore Properties Ltd.
It is getting lots of use!

Castlesampson N.S, Roscommon
On behalf of our SNA, Staff and Students, we would like to thank you for your lovely donation of an iPad, thank you so much!

Scoil Naomh Bhríde, Mayo
Gorthaganny National School thank you for the iPad kindly sponsored by Sean Mulryan of Ballymore Properties Ltd. The SNA is using it along with the class teacher. We are very grateful for this kind generous donation and you can be assured it will be put to good use!

Gorthaganny N.S, Roscommon
We are absolutely thrilled and we really value this resource.
We extend our sincere thanks to Sean Mulryan, whose sponsorship for this iPad will bring learning to life for so many of our pupils, especially those with special needs. Please convey our thanks to him!

Ballintleva N.S, Roscommon
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the Ipad donated to our school in August. It is much appreciated and will be put to great use. Please also pass on our thanks to Mr. Tim O Leary.
We held a green & red day here at the school to support our Mayo team in the All Ireland Final, which raised a total of €169.20.
We would like to donate this to your wonderful charity!
Roundfort N.S, Mayo
On behalf of the school I would like to sincerely thank Variety the Children’s Charity of Ireland and Mr Tim O’Leary for the very kind donation of our new iPad. Our SEN team are delighted to have this excellent resource to help and assist with teaching and learning of their individual and groups of children with additional needs.
We intend on holding a fundraiser in October for the charity as a thank you. We have also written a piece in our newsletter for parents. The school community is delighted with this very generous donation!
Rathbane N.S, Mayo
We were totally delighted to receive our iPad from the Variety Ireland today, Our SNA is totally thrilled and we have two ASD pupils who she will be able use the iPad with specifically.
We are so appreciative of the generosity of Seán Mulryan and Variety Ireland!
Aughrim N.S, Roscommon
We just want to convey our sincere thanks to you and to Mr Tim O’ Leary for the iPad we recently received .We will be having a non uniform day at Halloween and will make a donation to Variety-the Children’s Charity of Ireland after that.
Thanks again for the iPad and for all the work that you do!
Crossmolina N.S, Mayo
Thank you for your recent delivery of an iPad to our school. It will come in very handy as we are a small school.
We are very grateful and would like you to pass on our appreciation to Tim O Leary please!
Murrisk N.S, Mayo
We would like to express our gratitude to you, Variety Ireland and Mr. Seán Mulryan for the iPad, which was so kindly donated to our school.
We will make sure the iPad gets plenty of use.
Ballinlough N.S, Roscommon
The Principal and all the staff at Foxford National School would like to acknowledge receipt of an iPad earlier today. What a kind and generous gesture by Mr. Tim O’Leary. We can assure you that it will be put to good use here at the school. It was a lovely booster to get to add to what we have!
Foxford N.S, Mayo
Thank you very much for the iPad which arrived this morning. It was a lovely surprise and will get great use!
Killeeneen N.S, Galway
I just wanted to say a sincere and heartfelt thanks for the iPad that arrived yesterday. What a lovely surprise!
I am now trying to identify the most deserving new home for it.
Kilcolgan Educate Together, Galway
On behalf of our Special Needs Assistant and Threen N.S., I would like to thank you, Variety and Sean Mulryan for kindly sending us an iPad. We are so very grateful for this and it is being put to great use.
Threen N.S, Roscommon
On behalf of the pupils, teachers and Board of Management, I would like to acknowledge the receipt of an iPad for use with children who have special needs and furthermore, to thank Mr. Tim O’Leary for this generous donation, for which we are very grateful!
Shraigh N.S, Mayo
Hello, our school just received the iPad for Special Needs Assistants. Thanks so much, it’s very much appreciated and such a generous thing to do.
Cloverhill N.S, Roscommon
Dear Sean and Variety – the Children’s Charity of Ireland,
Many thanks for the welcome delivery to our school today. We were delighted to receive the iPad. Thank you for your kindness.
St. Pauls N.S, Roscommon
I want to thank you and the Comer Brothers for the iPad which you recently gifted to our school for use by our Special Needs Staff. We very much appreciate your generosity and we look forward to using it!
Scoil Bhaile Nua, Galway
I am writing to express our deepest thanks for your very kind gesture.
It was a wonderful surprise when we received the Apple iPad Air last week.
Please pass on our extreme gratitude to the Comer Brothers for sponsoring this technology.
It will indeed be put to extremely good use. The last 2 years have been extremely challenging for so many young children and this technology will allow us to provide help to the most vulnerable in our school!
Scoil Chroí Naofa, Galway
On behalf of our SNA’s, we wish to say ‘Go raibh míle maith agaibh’ for the ipad. It is so nice to see SNA’s get some recognition for the amazing work they do each day in schools. Our SNA are 3 wonderful ladies who work tireless in the background putting the needs of all the pupils in our schools above their own.
I was delighted to be able to give them the ipad from you all. Such a kind generous gesture by the Comer brothers.
Míle buíochas arís,
Ballinderry N.S, Galway
Many thanks to Variety Ireland and the Comer group for their generous sponsorship of an iPad to help SNA’s in their work. The iPad will be put to good use in the coming term.
We are hoping to download some interesting apps for the children before Christmas and have it ready to go on the first day back in the New Year!