3rd Floor Ulysses House, Foley Street, Dublin 1
+353 1 437 0323

Daisy is Just Crazy About Her New Trike

Our Recycle Mobility Programme which provides special mobility trikes to children with disabilities, ensures children from across the disability spectrum are included in cycling activities with their friends and family. They also offer an air of independence to children who are unbale to cycle traditional trikes.

Say hello to Daisy from Co Cork. Since she received her new trike thanks to our Recycle Mobility Programme supported by Minister Anne Rabbitte and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Minister Jack Chambers and Eamon Ryan from The Department of Transport, Daisy’s new trike now gives her the opportunity to cycle herself in safety so she can experience great days out with his family and friends. Her trike also helps to build up important muscle tone in her legs which is an important part of his required daily physical exercise. In a report conducted by Dr Jolanta Burke from the RCSI, it concludes that our special mobility trike programme improves the mental and physical wellbeing to both children and family members by up to 87.5%.

Let’s take a look at a note we received from Daisy’s mother and what they think of her daughter’s new trike. On behalf of all of us here at Variety Ireland and the Ministers and their Departments, we wish you many happy years of cycling Daisy!

“Dear Variety Ireland,
I want to drop you a quick note to say a massive thank you to all the team at Variety Ireland and Minister’s Anne Rabbitte, Minister Jack Chambers and Minister Eamon Ryan for supporting your Recycle Mobility Programme.
People should know how wonderful and important this initiative is in helping parent’s like me with children with disabilities. Before Daisy received her new trike, she was severely restricted to the type of exercise she could get or wanted to do This made her sad, which had an emotional knock-on to both her mental and physical wellbeing, as well as my own.
Since her trike landed, all she wants to do is be outdoors cycling. This means together we can explore new greenways and parks which has brought that beautiful smile back to her face. It has also meant that she can be included in cycling activities with other family members. Prior to this she was an onlooker which made her upset.
Your Recycle Mobility Programme is simply amazing and it has provided my daughter with a new lease of life. Not only have we seen a massive improvement in her mental wellbeing where she now laughs more, but it’s been great as it’s a huge part of her daily exercise route.
I would encourage any parents with children who have disabilities who cannot ride a traditional bike to come forward and apply for a special mobility trike. They simply are gamechangers for families with children with disabilities!
Keep up the good work and thanks to your dedication and that of all minister’s involved, means you are ensuring children with disabilities can now be included in cycling activities with family and friends.

On behalf of Daisy and myself, thank you so so much!”

Tanya (Daisy’s mum)