3rd Floor Ulysses House, Foley Street, Dublin 1
+353 1 437 0323

Cycling Inclusion for a Young Rossie

As a children’s charity that helps children from across the disability spectrum, we were recently delighted to see the delivery of a special mobility trike to a young lady in Co Roscommon. Say hello to young Zoe who is a proud Rossie and was absolutely thrilled to receive her new special mobility trike, which now ensures she can be included in cycling activities with her family and friends.

With summer now here, her new trike now opens a new world of opportunities where she can cycle with family members which according to a report conducted by Dr Jolanta Burke from the RCSI, can improve Zoe’s mental and physical well-being and family members by up to 87.5%

Our Recycle Mobility Programme which is supported by Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister Jack Chambers and Minister Eamon Ryan from The Department of Transport, ensures all children, regardless of the disability can now have access to cycling.

Here is a note, photos and video we received from Zoe’s mum, telling us how her daughter’s new trike is now ensuring she can be included in cycling activities with her family and friends. On behalf of us here at Variety Ireland and all the ministers and departments who support our Recycle Mobility Programme, many happy year’s of cycling Zoe!

“Dear Variety Ireland,
I am writing on behalf of our daughter, Zoe, who recently received her new trike through Variety Ireland’s Recycle Mobility Programme. Receiving the trike has been a life changer for Zoe. She had knee surgery in November and the trike has provided her with the opportunity to do daily physiotherapy to build back her muscle strength in the most fun way possible.
Zoe uses her trike every day in school on the running track, out with her friends at break time and during P.E. Without the trike, this opportunity would not have been possible. Zoe started off requiring assistance to steer and push her along but as the video shows, She has mastered the skill, coordination and strength herself now. Another amazing milestone and achievement in Zoe’s life.
Thank you to Minister Rabbitte, Minister Chambers and Minister Ryan, along with sponsors and all at Variety Ireland team who allow Zoe to achieve her goal of cycling and included in activities with her friends and family.
All our Thanks,”
Zoe and Family