We at Variety Ireland believe that all children are equal, regardless of their ability. This is why we love to see children being included in cycling activities with their family and friends.
Meet young Maddie from Laois who has Hypotonia & Dystonia, which means she has no functional movement. This fabulous lady loves to be outdoors and included in activities with friends at her local creche. Thanks to Variety Ireland’s “Recycle Mobility Programme”, supported by Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, it now means that Maddie can experience and enjoy our wonderful countryside and new greenways with assisted help of her family and friends with a new trike supplied as part of our programme. This not only contributes to her own mental well-being, but also ensures she can be included in cycling activities.
Here is a quick note and video sent to us by Maddie’s mum letting us know how she is enjoying her new special mobility trike.
“Dear Variety Ireland,
Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to you all at Variety Ireland and Minister Anne Rabbitte for Maddie’s new mobility trike!
I really wasn’t sure how she would manage on it, but she has taken to it so well and loves going outside on it. It is great that she can now cycle down the road around our home with assistance, while enjoying the experience of actually riding a bike. Creche can’t wait to try it in the spring so she will be able to cycle with her friends!!
Without Variety Ireland and Minister Rabbitte we would never have even imagined Maddie would be able for a trike, or even possibly been able to afford the actual one she needs for her condition. However, after a couple of cycles she really enjoys it and is also getting the benefits of the exercise.
We are all so delighted and a massive thank you to you all!”
Gemma (Maddie’s mum)