We at Variety Ireland love receiving photos and videos from parents whose child has received a special mobility trike as part of our Recycle Mobility Programme. The smiles on the faces of the children says it all. Not only does our programme support inclusion and equal access to cycling for children with disabilities, but it also provides each child with the required physical and mental exercise that is vital for their overall wellbeing.
Let’s meet the wonderful Sonny from Co Monaghan. Since he received his new special mobility trike as part of our Recycle Mobility Programme supported by Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister James Lawless and Minister Eamon Ryan and The Department of Transport, Sonny is experiencing all the benefits that his special trike brings to his life.
He can now explore all the new Greenways and byways of his local area and beyond which supports inclusion within the family. Here is a note and video we received from Sonny’s mother, letting us know how Sonny’s new trike is playing a major part in their lives.
On behalf of all of us here at Variety Ireland and the Ministers and their departments, we would like to wish you many happy years of cycling Sonny!
“Dear Variety Ireland,
Since receiving the adaptive mobility trike, we have been able to get out and about as a family so much more. Sonny thrives in nature and lives to be outside. Although Sonny is mobile, his hypermobility causes him to fatigue easily and also leaves him a high risk for falls and injury.
The adaptive trike has really supported his endurance. Sonny also has very low muscle tone which meant when he did take interest in regular trikes earlier this year, we couldn’t give him any independence as he would tip over very easily. The additional supports of the adaptive trike are allowing Sonny to learn about pedalling in a safe and stable environment. Sonny was wary of the foot straps initially so we have been introducing them slowly. Sonny’s feet naturally fall outwards which makes pedalling impossible. The straps will support this hugely and we are so excited to see Sonny enjoy and achieve his trike as he progresses through the Summer months.
Sonny’s trike has given him independence, support, encouragement, therapeutic engagement and so much more. We would like to thank Variety Ireland for providing this amazing piece of equipment and also Minister Ann Rabbitte, Minister Eamon Ryan and Minister James Lawless for securing the much needed funding for so much life changing equipment for children and their families.
We are very grateful for all the wonderful work you all do!”
Grainne (Sonny’s Mum)