3rd Floor Ulysses House, Foley Street, Dublin 1
+353 1 437 0323

Smiles All Round in Kerry

Smiles All Round in Kerry

Smiles, inclusion, and equal access to cycling for children with disabilities is what we at Variety Ireland work towards. Thanks to the support of Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister Jack Chambers and Minister Eamon Ryan from The Department of Transport, our Recycle Mobility Programme provides special mobility trikes so children can have access to cycling with their family and friends.

Meet  Eibhlin from Co Kerry who recently received her new trike as part of our Recycle Mobility Programme. Her new trike has opened up new cycling opportunities so she can be included in cycling activities with her family and friends. Now she is free to explore all that Kerry has to offer with it’s wonderful greenways and scenery which Eibhlin can now experience in the safety of her new special mobility trike.

Not only is does this provide vital physical exercise for Eibhlin, but equally important, it contributes to improving her wellbeing and that of her family members as they can take part in cycling activities together.

Here is a note and video we received from Eibhlin’s mother, updating us on how her daughter’s trike is helping to improve the quality of life for Eibhlin and other family members. On behalf of us here at Variety Ireland and all the Ministers and Departments who support our Recycle Mobility Programme, many happy years of cycling Eibhlin!

“Dear Variety Ireland,
Eibhlin is delighted with her new bike, she loves going to school on her bike with her sister on hers. It has allowed her to participate to the enjoyment that cycling can bring. As a family we are very grateful to Minister Rabbitte and Minister’s Jack Chambers Eamon Ryan for their wonderful support for your Recycle Mobility Programme. Without the support of Variety Ireland and the minister’s support we could not have given our daughter the opportunity she now has.
This has been life changing for Eibhlin and us as a family. We are so grateful and hope that Variety Ireland get continued support to enable other family’s to have a meaningful quality time with their family. All children deserve inclusion irrespective of disability.
On behalf of Eibhlin and us all, a very big thank you!”
Sandra (Eibhlin’s Mum)