Leave a Legacy
Something for those you leave behind…
For many people, a will is a way of looking after the people we care about the most. But after you have taken care of those loved ones, you can also choose to help and support many children across Ireland, by leaving a legacy to Variety Ireland.

By leaving a legacy or gift to Variety Ireland , we can ensure that your generosity will go on to help children with many different needs, throughout the country for many years to come. Children are our future, and you can do your part to help many more reach their full potential.
Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes, big or small. No matter what you decide to gift to Vareity Ireland, you can be sure that your legacy will go on to help those who need it most.
How to Leave a Legacy
The first thing to do is contact a solictor, as they are best placed to advise you and help you make your will. If you have already made a will and would like to add a codicil to include a legacy to a charity, then they can advise you on this too.
The three types of legacies you can leave are:
A share of the rest of your assets, that you have not already left to your loved ones.
A pecuniary legacy is a specified sum of money, determined in the will.
This refers to when a gift of a specific item is bequeathed in the will.