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+353 1 437 0323

Jack From Galway is Loving His New Independence

Jack From Galway is Loving His New Independence

Inclusion, equality and family fun is what our Recycle Mobility Programme is all about. Our special mobility programme is designed to ensure children with disabilities have equal access to cycling so they too can experience all the new greenways popping up our Ireland.

Meet Jack from Galway who recently received his own special mobility trike. This now allows him to be included in family activities with family members and friends. Not only does this provide Jack with his own air of independence, but it also contributes his own mental and physical wellbeing as well as that of the family.

Thanks to the on-going support of Minister Anne Rabbitte and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth along with Minister Eamon Ryan and The Department of Transport, Our Recycle Mobility Programme continues to provide support to children with disabilities, so they too can be included in cycling activities with their families.

Here is a note and beautiful video clips we received from Jack’s father, showing the smile on this young man’s face as he cycles his trike around Galway.

On behalf of all of us here at Variety Ireland and the Ministers and their Departments, we would like to wish you many happy years of cycling Jack. Keep smiling!

“Dear Variety,
Jack, as you will see in the clips, gets huge stimulation from his new trike. Family walks are so much more fun now, as opposed to pushing Jack in a buggy, he has his own wheels!
Jack does make his own effort to hold the handlebars and the circular cycling motion for his legs is therapy in itself. We are hugely indebted to Variety Ireland as well as Minister Anne Rabbitte and Ministers Jack Chambers and Minister Eamon Ryan for providing funding to enable the purchase of this specialist trike, and to adding a lot of fun to our family time together. This trike now allows us to do outdoor activities together as a family and has changed all our lives.
Thank you so much!”
Liam ( Jack’s father)