3rd Floor Ulysses House, Foley Street, Dublin 1
+353 1 437 0323

Cycling Inclusion for Jake from Cork

A New Year and a new challenge for us here at Variety Ireland as we continue to ensure children with mobility issues have equal access to cycling. Say hi to Jake from Co Cork. Up until recently, Jake was denied the joys of cycling which most of us take for granted.

However, this has now changed thanks to our Recycle Mobility Programme, which is supported by the HSE, The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and The Department of Transport. Together through our programme, we ensure that children with mobility issues have access to special mobility trikes, which according to a study by the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, can help improve the mental and physical well-being of both the child and other family members by 87.5%. These special trikes help children just like Jake to be included in cycling activities and explore new Greenways with his family and friends. Here is a quick note from Jake’s mother telling us how our Recycle Mobility Programme is helping her child. From all of us here at Variety Ireland Jake we wish you many happy years of safe cycling!

“Dear Variety Ireland,
We want to thank you for Jake’s new trike. It is a fun way for Jake to exercise and work on strengthening his muscles, balance, and coordination. It’s also an important way for his to be included and have fun as every child should. We are so grateful and can’t thank you all enough at Variety Ireland as well as the team at The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, The HSE and The Department of Transport for providing Jake and other children with mobility issues around Ireland. These special trikes which are vital piece of equipment which supports inclusion, health, and happiness within the family.
Thank you!”
Teresa (Jake’s Mother)